Should You Buy a New or Refurbished MacBook Pro? - OzMobiles

High-performance, fast, secure and perfect for media streaming, gaming, editing, and so much more: it’s no surprise that since 2006, the MacBook Pro has been at the highest end of Apple’s Mac laptop range.

“Pro” by name and pro by nature, the MacBook Pro is a dynamic and long-lasting machine. Its powerful video editing and studio-quality mics make it an essential tool for creative professionals. For a relatively small size, its speed and processing power are impressive. So should you get one new, or should you get one second-hand?

If second-hand suits you a lot more but you’re worried about the quality, not to mention the warranty, there’s a simple solution: buy a refurbished MacBook Pro. Buying refurbished has several benefits, but it’s important to do your own research to find out which option is best for you.

Refurbished laptops are more than just used computers. They’re second-hand laptops that have been thoroughly checked, tested and repaired if necessary before being put on the market for resale. When you buy a refurbished laptop, you know you’re getting quality. Apart from maybe a couple of chips or dents, they should function identically to store-bought ones.

If you’ve been looking for an Apple Mac for work, leisure, gaming, creative projects or any other purpose, buying a MacBook Air or Pro refurbished might be the answer. Read on to find out more about the MacBook, including where to buy a refurbished MacBook Pro in Australia.


What is the MacBook Pro?

Apple’s MacBook Pro is the company’s high-end line of powerful, portable, high-performance Macintosh notebook computers. 

The Pro is available in three sizes: 13, 14 or 16 inches. In some ways, it’s similar to the MacBook Air, which is also a mighty laptop model, but there are differences. While the Air is still a phenomenal laptop in every way, the Pro has audio and battery life that’s next level and other bonuses like a touch bar. If you’re seeking a second-hand laptop, both MacBook Air and Pro refurbished are solid winners.

Benefits of a MacBook Pro include

  • Up to 20 hours of battery life.
  • Speed and performance, something Apple continues to improve on with each new model. The level of performance is pro-enough to allow you to run CPU and GPU-heavy tasks.
  • Faster video editing as well as other tools for creatives like image upscaling and photo stitching.
  • A spectacular high-definition screen display, which is also excellent for creative professionals, especially those who need to work with colour.
  • Tight privacy and security, like other Apple devices.
  • Professional-quality cameras and mics so you can make podcasts, look sharp on video calls and always be heard in Zoom meetings.

Whether you’re buying a new laptop for work, freelancing, study, gaming, entertainment or any other reason, the MacBook Pro is likely to satisfy you. It has the power to perform at truly impressive levels. But does buying a used MacBook Pro mean you have to lower your expectations? What if you had some guarantee of the same level of quality while saving yourself hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars? Buy a refurbished MacBook Pro, and that can be your reality.

If you’re still tossing between refurbished and new, here are some pros for each

Dashboard of MacBook Pro with Colourful Apple Apps

Benefits of Buying a New MacBook Pro

  • You know the battery is going to last as long as it was designed for.
  • You get a guaranteed warranty in case you don’t get what you ordered or anything else goes wrong.
  • They’re easy to find. You can buy them online or via different retail stores.
  • It’s easy to find new models, often as soon as they hit the stores, while the second-hand kinds are more likely to be older.
  • You know you’ll get what you pay for, and it will perform exactly as you expect.
  • When buying a used laptop, the seller may not always be trustworthy.


Benefits of Buying a Refurbished MacBook Pro

  • Refurbished laptops are sold through reputable sellers, so they’re checked for quality before being put on sale. Apart from a few cosmetic imperfections, refurbished models are as high-quality as anything you’d buy from the store.
  • Refurbished laptops can be recent models that are only a few years old but still work great, like the Apple 13" MacBook Pro 2019 and the Apple 13" MacBook Pro 2018. As new model laptops continue to hit stores, Apple fans trade in previous versions that may only be a couple of years old.
  • Refurbished laptops are less expensive, sometimes even saving you hundreds or thousands of dollars.
  • When you buy a refurbished laptop through a company like OzMobiles, you get a 12-month warranty that covers you the same as if you bought new.
  • Refurbished laptops are sustainable and environmentally friendly, reducing the growing problem of e-waste (electronic waste). When you buy a refurbished laptop, it means one less laptop that needs to be produced and one less in the landfill.
  • Refurbished laptops sold through a retailer like OzMobiles have the same high level of performance as new store-bought models.


New or Refurbished MacBook Pro: Which Should You Get?

There are benefits to both, but there are several reasons you might want to buy a refurbished MacBook Pro. These include

  • You want to save money, potentially thousands of dollars, without settling for an inferior product.
  • You care about the environment and sustainability and like the idea of a laptop that would otherwise end up in a landfill getting a second life.  
  • You don’t mind a laptop that’s a couple of years old or more but have been put off the idea of buying second-hand laptops because many sellers don’t seem entirely trustworthy.

The reasons you might want to buy a brand-new MacBook Pro include

  • You want the convenience of buying from any one of several retail outlets.
  • You want to start using it immediately without waiting for the package to arrive.
  • You want a battery that’s certain to operate at 100%.

If you’re like most people, you love a bargain. And when you buy a refurbished MacBook Pro, you certainly get one. So, where can you buy a refurbished MacBook Pro in Australia?

Open MacBook Pro on Wooden Table with iPhone on Right and Notepad with Blue Pen on left

Where to Buy Refurbished a MacBook Pro

The best place to buy a refurbished MacBook Pro in Australia is the OzMobiles website. When you buy a MacBook Air, or Pro refurbished through us, we guarantee you get a laptop in perfect working order, complete with a warranty, for an affordable price and quickly delivered.

All our devices, including our laptops, are put through a 72-point checking process that ensures they’re fully functional. They’re sold with a 12-month warranty that includes battery life and a 30-day risk-free return policy. If you’re on a tight budget, we have payment plans to break the cost into instalments, and we also offer a $10 price-beat guarantee if you find a better deal somewhere else (terms and conditions apply).

If you want to buy a refurbished MacBook Pro you can count on, OzMobiles is the place to shop. Contact us if you want to know more or have any questions.  

Apple macbookMacbook proRefurbished macbook pro